'COVID Toes' - The Virus is now showing signs on the feet

We have recently learned about another condition possibly linked to COVID-19 and it involves your feet and hands.

The dermatological presentation can look like red-purple discoloration, the skin may become raised, bumpy and can even develop ulcerations. Some people with the condition have related to warm/hot skin that burns and itches.

These ‘COVID toes’ can appear before or without the other more common symptoms of coronavirus which means we need to be even more aware of our bodies.

If you are concerned this may be going on with you contact your primary care provider and ask to be tested for COVID-19 even if you have no other symptoms.

However, There are other underlying conditions that have similar symptoms such as Raynaud’s disease, dermatitis, drug reaction and/or connective tissue disorder just to name a few.

Be safe everyone, keep your distance, wear your mask and please, please, please do your part to flatten the curve.

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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