New Year… New You… Tips to Stay Injury Free This Winter

  1. Take it Slow: Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your goal. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle or just increase your overall health and wellbeing, take your time.
  2. Don’t forget to stretch: Stretching is often overlooked but it is the best way to reduce injury. Cold, tight muscles and soft tissues are more likely to strain, pull, and/or tear. Warm-up prior to activity to stay loose and less likely to get hurt.
  3. Make sure you have appropriate shoe gear:
    1. Cushions the foot – the midsole is the main part of the shoe that provides cushioning. Surprisingly, shoes don't reduce the force that goes through the body all that much. But they do increase the time taken for that force to apply, so the body has time to adapt
    2. supports the foot – your shoe should aid the alignment of your foot when it touches the ground
    3. feels comfortable – your shoe should feel immediately comfortable from the first wear
    4. fits well – make sure you have at least 1‒1.5cm at the end of the shoe. It should be wide enough and long enough to fit your feet. The shoe should feel snug but not tight.
  4. Rest:Rest is equally as important. Giving your body time to rest and recover between training sessions is crucial for staying injury-free.
  5. Listening To Your Body: This may be the most important step to keep you towards your goal. Pain is an indication of overuse. So don’t push it. Listen to your body and take some time off. That may be completely no exercising or changing-up your routine. Instead of running, try swimming, biking or an elliptical.

* For educational purposes only

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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