Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): What's all this hype about?

So what is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma is taken from ones own blood. Your blood contains red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets. These platelets contain hundreds of proteins known as growth factors that aid in healing. Through platelets an army of stem cells are recruited.


Now imagine an army 10 times the size. That is what PRP does. PRP concentrates the platelets to maximize the ability to repair damaged tissue and cartilage.


Can PRP be used in the foot and ankle?

Yes, PRP is often used to treat various foot and ankle pathologies including but not limited to:

·        Plantar Fasciitis

·        Achilles Tendonitis

·        Osteoarthritis

·        Joint Pain

·        Joint Stiffness

·        Big toe joint pain

·        Heel Pain

·        Mortons Neuroma


Does PRP work?

PRP has been used in the foot and ankle for years with great results. PRP can be used to treat acute plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis by expediating the initial healing cascade. More commonly it is used in chronic issues where the body has failed to repair itself naturally.


IS PRP right for me?

If you have a tendon, ligament or joint injury and conservative/traditional methods of treatment have not proven effect then PRP therapy may be a great option. The procedure often times can replace the need for surgery with similar to superior outcomes without the risks involved. Schedule an appointment online or call us at 631-549-0955

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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