Stretching can make all the difference

Why Stretch:

Most heel pain is caused by having a tight calf muscle. The calf muscle connects to the Achilles tendon, which connects to the back of the heel.  A calf muscle that is too tight can put a large amount of pressue and stress to the bottom of the heel bone. This main soft tissue structure that can get injured is the  Plantar Fascia. By stretching the calf muscle, we reduce the tension of the plantar fascia and can reduce this risk of injury.

When to Stretch: The best time to stretch is after a time of rest (ie. before getting out of bed or getting up from a seated position) or before beginning a physical activity. It takes 15 minutes for our calf muscles to completely tighten up after sitting down. Although these are the optimal times we understand this may
not completely fit into your schedule. We therefore recommend stretching at least 3 times a day.

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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