Swift Therapy: The Answer For Plantar Warts

Swift ® Therapy isn’t just a treatment, it’s the answer for plantar warts

For anyone who either has a plantars wart or knows someone who has a wart can attest to how frustrating it can be to get rid of.

Why is that? 

Warts are a symptom of the Human Papillomavirus or HPV for short. HPV is notorious for hiding deep in our skin and many times can go undetected from our immune system. For this reason, a wart can hang around longer than we’d expect. 

Traditional therapies aim to remove the visual wart tissue by either chemical destruction, cryotherapy, or surgical excision to name a few. At home therapy is then performed once or twice a day with medication and keeping the area covered 24/7 to reduce the spread of the virus.

Swift Microwave Therapy works differently. Microwave technology attacks the HPV, the route cause of the wart. This therapy delivers a precise, highly controlled energy dose to the appropriate depth where the HPV resides in the skin tissue. This heat energy triggers your immune response and alerts the body to the presence of the virus.

As no medications are applied there is absolutely no need for dressings, no downtime and with minimal pain/discomfort. For this reason we call Swift Microwave Therapy the “sock-off, sock-on” treatment.

To find out more about the therapy click here or schedule you in-office consultation to see if you are a candidate today. 

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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