Top 5 Signs of Arthritis
1. Painful swollen joints:
- Joint pain caused by arthritis is often described as dull, achy, and sometimes throbbing.
- Inflammation of the joint can be painful, tender, and present with increased warmth, redness, and swelling.
- Classic sign and symptom
2. Joint stiffness:
- Reduction in range of motion. Can be mild, moderate or severe in nature
3. Joint deformities:
As an arthritic toe joint, foot joint or ankle joint continues a chronic inflmmatory response occurs that can lead to damage. Damage is seen as scar tissue, bony overgrowth, lumps, bumps, and change in toe, foot or ankle position.
4. Crepitus in the joints:
Symptoms of grinding, popping, cracking, or grinding in a joint. A later sign of arthritis.
5. Joint pain that is worse in the morning.
Typically a person with arthritis will often require a longer time to warm up and get moving. You may notice that your symptoms, including pain and stiffness, are worse first thing in the morning or after rising from sitting for a long time.
Why care about arthritis, "everyone gets it."
Although it can't always be cured, arthritis of the toe, foot and/or ankle is a very manageable disease process. With the appropriate care you can live an active lifestyle and not let arthritis get the best of you.
We at Kalmar Family Podiatry can offer you a variety of non-surgical and surgical treament options specific for your unique needs:
- In-office x-rays to diagnosed and evaluate extent of the joints and bones
- Over the counter and custom orthotic therapy to control your foot and ankle position
- Class IV Deep Tissue Laser therapy to increase blood flow
- Advanced Regenerative medicine techniques to repair and cushion damaged joints like, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), or amniotic cell injections.
- Interactive Home Exercise Program or formal Physical therapy to improve strength and range of motion of the affected joint.
These and other services can help you stay on top of your pain without having to become reliant on pain medications nor overly sedentary. If anything, safe and regular exercise is one of the key components to minimizing arthritic pain. We’re happy to provide practical advice on everything from sleep management to physical activity to posture!
Are you currently living with arthritis or wondering if you’re showing early warning signs?
Come for an in-office consultation with one of our team members here at Kalmar Family Podiatry