Winter Tips For Diabetic Foot Care
If you are living with diabetes, the onset of winter can be dangerous for your feet. Colder temperatures combined with poor blood circulation and possible nerve damage in your extremities can make your feet vulnerable to infection, serious complications or possible amputation.
1.Keep feet dry. Take these precautions to keep your feet healthy throughout the season: Moisture that collects between your socks and your feet and toes can form bacteria, which can cause an infection. If heavy snow and slush have soaked your shoes or boots, change out of your wet socks as soon as possible and towel dry your feet, paying close attention to the area between your toes.
2. Moisturize your feet. Use a moisturizer daily to keep dry skin from itching or cracking. Do not moisturize between your toes as this could lead to a fungal infection. Please view Our Products to see what moisturizers we have available for in store purchase.
3. Avoid direct heat to your feet. Everyday activities during winter weather, such as warming your feet by the fire or adjusting the heat on your feet in a car, can pose problems. With numbness caused by nerve damage, you may not be able to feel when your feet get too hot, which can result in second- or third-degree burns on your feet.
The best way to avoid burning your feet is to keep them away from direct heat. Do not use warming aids, such as electric blankets, heated shoe inserts or heating pads, and do not put your feet in hot water. Test bath water with your hands or a thermometer first. A foot and ankle surgeon can also recommend moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and warm.
4. Get the right shoes. Wear well-fitting shoes with supportive soles and a wide toe box to reduce cramping. During the colder seasons, considerhowsocktextureandtheweatherwillaffectwalking conditions.
5. See your local foot and ankle surgeon for regular foot exams.
Foot and ankle surgeons can help detect any diabetes-related foot issues early on so they do not become problematic.